WOW. This issue is packed.As of 2015, Cowboy Bebop is 17 years old.17. It's still the best series to get a person interested into anime.From the feature "I saw by chance one day a little bit of a TV program about bounty hunters in America, and came up with a plan for the show in about an hour." director Shinichiro Watanabe said in an … [Read more...] about Animerica – Cowboy Bebop Inspired by Renegade? – Sputnik7, Magic Knight Rayearth – January 2000
Cowboy Bebop
Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust and the Legend of Akira – Animerica October 1999
Pokemon is mentioned in Entertainment Weekly and the question asked is "Has anime arrived?" because Pokemon and Pikachu is being referenced frequently in mainstream press.15 years ago an article "The Legacy of Akira" was written and the impacts are still seen today. Interesting note that Troma released "My Neighbor Totoro" in the '90s--before Disney got hold of … [Read more...] about Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust and the Legend of Akira – Animerica October 1999
Serial Experiments Lain – Trippy Internet Anime – Animerica – September 1999
Cover story is a lengthy Serial Experiments Lain feature that I've included below. Remember when Serial Experiments Lain was released. Few people had DSL, broadband was growing but slowly. The majority of people still had dial-up. Read the three interviews from Producer Yasuyuki Ueda, Screenwriter Chiaki Konaka and Director Ryutaro Nakamura. Don't remember these people … [Read more...] about Serial Experiments Lain – Trippy Internet Anime – Animerica – September 1999
Tenchi Muyo! From OVA to Movies to Universe and Manga – Animerica August 1999
Harem Scare'm it's Techi Muyo Time!Ahh...Tenchi Muyo. The godfather of harem anime. To me it seems like the best era for harem titles started with Tenchi Muyo and ended with Love Hina. Then it all turned into extreme boob fanservice at the expense of the story.Anyway...I scanned the feature story about all things Tenchi Muyo - from the OVA, TV series, manga and … [Read more...] about Tenchi Muyo! From OVA to Movies to Universe and Manga – Animerica August 1999
Satoshi Kon Interview – Perfect Blue Animerica June 1999
I was at Big Apple Anime Fest (BAAF) in August 2003 and got to see the world premiere of Satoshi Kon's Tokyo Godfathers and also got to see Millennial Actress as part of the double bill that evening. That was a treat.Below is a feature article introducing Satoshi Kon's directorial debut for Perfect Blue. Take time out of your day to read this 3 page interview below. I still … [Read more...] about Satoshi Kon Interview – Perfect Blue Animerica June 1999