2000 was a great year for Anime on TV.Once something gets huge, there are always copycats. Transformers begat Go-bots and Pokemon begat Monster Rancher.Highlights below include Monster Rancher feature, 2000 was becoming great year for anime on tv, Interview with White Radish Productions, review of Volume 1 DVD of Gundam Wing and voice actor interview of Veronica Taylor … [Read more...] about Anime on TV in 2000 Animerica July 2000
ash ketchum
1st Pokemon Cover -Pikachu and Ash Ketchum – Animerica July 1999
Pokemon cover! I choose you! I was too old to get into Pokemon when it started, but I know that a lot of Poke-kids got into anime because of Pokemon. "Anime - Gotta collect them all!" Here's 8 pages of the Pokemon feature that fully introduces Pokemon to the novice. The Editor's page has a picture of the Pokemon Volkswagen Beetle.After reading this, I had no idea that the … [Read more...] about 1st Pokemon Cover -Pikachu and Ash Ketchum – Animerica July 1999