Team Rocket is on the cover promoting the first Pokemon movie. I wanted to feature the article “How To Customize Your Model Kits” I have four model kits that I bought at A-Kon around 2003 that I have yet to build. It just wasn’t for me as a hobby.
Note to any companies with technology in your name. Don’t Do It!. Case in point: the ad for – Laser Visions Direct. “The largest DVD and LaserDisc library online…and more.”
Before reading these late ’90s Animerica issues, I never realized that Urban Vision was heavily promoting their titles. I only know them from Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust. An example is the “Terror X 2” preview party they did for Wicked City and Vampire Hunter D. I wonder how hard it was the gauge attendance for these events when all you had to get the word out was a magazine ad an local area shops.
Pioneer’s ads for Serial Experiments Lain and for Fushigi Yugi, looks more like trade ads instead of consumer ads.
Still in November 1999, Central Park Media still promotes the “Japanimation” AOL Keyword.
Manga releases Satoshi Kon’s Perfect Blue on VHS, while they release Macross Plus on VHS and DVD. Why no DVD for Perfect Blue?
Media Blasters did a lot of business with Magic Knight Rayearth in the ’90s. Why didn’t the series stand the test of time? No one really talks about this title anymore.
This issue’s Anime That Time Forgot:
Compiler –“What a fun series!” Anime News Network
Master of Mosquiton –“…an unquestionably awesome show” Game Fan
A Chinese Ghost Story –“Beautiful and mind-boggling…a must see for fans of Japanese animation” San Francisco Chronicle
Sad that all the store logos in the ADV ad are no longer around: Suncoast, Saturday Matinee, Camelot Music, Virgin Music Store, Tower Records and Sam Goody.
There is a good amount of Vision of Escaflowne fan art in this issue.
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