I’m glad that X 1999 became an anime TV series because the movie was artistically weird for me. The anime series reminded me of the X-Men since it was the Seven Seal vs the Seven Harbingers – like a mutant X-Team battling other mutants with different agendas.
I included the Rintaro interview to help with understanding the movie.
This was a good issue for reviews.Included is a review for Trigun Volume 1: The $$60,000,000,000 Man. I always like that title because inflation still exists in the future. I love the date references in the review “Vash is best thought of as a combination of Captain Tylor and the Dirty Pair, with some of City Hunter’s Ryo thrown in for good measure”
Nadia – The Secret of Blue Water is reviewed. This is the first release of ADV Fansubs sub-titled only releases first introduced in the April 2000 issue. I don’t know the reasoning for not putting out a dub on this.
My favorite part of this issue is “IT’S NOT JUST ANIME, IT’S…MANIME”
It’s an article to showcase the manliest of anime. Titles are ranked on a 1 to 4 barbell system. 8 titles are presented: Riding Bean, Wild 7, Violence Jack, Space Adventure Cobra, The Professional: Golgo 12, Dog Soldier, Mad Bull and the Fist of The North Star Movie.
More comments in-between the pages.
Silent Mobius is one of the series I bought for cheap and have yet to watch.
Anime That Time Forgot: Photon
I think this is the first year Otakon was held at the Baltimore Convention Center.
Since when did Magic Knight Rayearth get dark and stared a dude?
Expect a lot more Gundam Wing coverage. A lot more.
Hey Kids! You like editing? You’ll love Cardcaptors!
Man, that Manime section is some good stuff. Just don’t let the Social Justice Warriors or feminist find out about that!