Not a whole lot of commentary from this issue. There was a cover feature article on Kiki’s Delivery Service and the works of Hayao Miyazaki. I scanned the editor page for a piece on Akira Kurosawa, who passed away that year in 1998. Now, on to the ads:
- Take a minute to read the review of the last two episodes of the Neon Genesis Evangelion series.
- The award for most exclamation points! goes to Ani-Magine Anime Chroma Cels ad. Hype! Sells!
- The ad for Bandai’s really does represent what online sites looked like in 1998. I am getting nostalgic for my Netscape Communicator browser.
- Ad for Eagle Wing Press – Yuko Moriyama as Madoka.
- I never got interested in Ping Pong Club mainly because the covers were so over the top. This might be the first prominent retailer call-out for Hastings. I used to work at a Hastings in college from 96-97.
- Rhino Records released “The Best of Anime” album with 16 anime songs – don’t know if they were the English or Japanese opening songs.
- Futureshock on this ADV ad for Legend of Crystania – All 6 of the retailers tagged on this ad would be merged or shuttered and converted to FYE stores 10 years from this issue.
- The Urban Vision ad has a quote from The Boston Globe for Space Adventure Cobra.
- Two pages of anime fan art – mainly dudes in poses.
- The last page scanned introduces Animerica’s newest magazine – Animerica Extra – a 128 page manga anthology. Fushigi Yugi is announced as a launch title.
- More cosplay pictures from 1988.
- Aeon Flux ad – released by Sony Music Entertainment – SME – later to be known as Aniplex.